About Me

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I began my journey in health and healing in high school when I realized that humans were prone to feeling separated from the world of nature. As I was observing this, I felt a strong pull to reconnect with nature myself, which led to me realizing that diet and what I was putting into or on my body, movement, beauty, contact with nature, air, water, meditation or prayer and happiness were all needed for well-being. I inherited natural athletic abilities which ultimately led me to getting my bachelor’s degree in physical education and health. I planned for athletic training or physical therapy to be my next level of education but I discovered massage therapy and loved the healing atmosphere associated with massage. At the time, I had no idea what doorway I was entering. A whole new world opened up to me and I discovered a plethora of incredible teachers and bodywork techniques. I feel fortunate that I was guided to study Craniosacral Therapy, Rolfing®, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and Thai Massage. Continuing my education occurs on a near daily basis and each year, I participate in two or more new classes in bodywork. I love doing what I do and decided to add a Masters degree in Human Nutrition to my tool bag. I graduated from the University of Bridgeport in 2013 and am now attending Functional Medicine University. Nutrition seminars based in functional medicine are also something that I regularly attend now.
All of this education and experience is helping me to recognize that there are many aspects of health and well-being. Whether we are feeling stressed out, are in pain, have a chronic disease, or want to prevent disease, we have to look at all the pieces of the puzzle. My goal is to help inspire my clients to become great conductors of their own orchestra of optimal health and well-being.

Massage License #MA 46817
Establishment License #MM 38597